Goodbye Albuquerque

Well this feels extremely weird to be writing my last letter to you before I see you again. It is SO bittersweet. This last week was definitely a great one. We had great success in our area, but the highlight was definitely the temple on Saturday.
We went to buy garments at 10am because we had to be in the temple at 12pm. Ana was just glowing! I am so impressed with her. I am just dying to find her the cutest guy (he has to speak Spanish obviously). It is absolutely crazy how strongly I feel that I was supposed to meet every single one of these people that I have met. I had butterflies in my stomach all day! I was so excited and nervous at the same time. Hermana Gubeli was able to come up north with her companion to be there for the session. It was so perfect!
We went inside, and it was so fun to be Ana’s escort. When I walked inside, the first person I saw was Hermana Bustamante! I was dying! J She is a member from my first area whom I love so much! It was neat to translate some of the instruction from the temple workers for Ana and Isabel. The session was beautiful. As we were sitting in the chapel, I saw Emily Hosman! It was so fun! We definitely didn't plan it haha. And then I saw Hermana Castillo, also one of my sweet mothers from my first area. It was amazing J There was a decent turn out from the branch as well. It was fun to do a session in Spanish.
There is literally no other feeling than seeing someone you love so much walk into the Celestial Room. It was so neat! Afterwards we took millions of pictures. J That night was also the night of the elders baptism, so our day was basically full.
Yesterday at church was pretty hard. I was able to bear my testimony. I hope to return very soon, especially if Isabel and Oscar get sealed in December. Yesterday was pretty sad visiting members I love. Tonight will be a lot of the same.
Bright and early tomorrow, at 6:15am I have to have all of my luggage ready at the mission office. Then we have transfer meeting at 7:00am where we will give our testimonies and then the rest of the day we get to contact, go to the temple, eat at the mission home and have a meeting with President Miller. As you already know, I will be traveling all day on Wednesday starting at 5:00am. That is when we will probably get to the airport. I fly in at 9 or 10 at night, I can’t quite remember.
Anyway, I think it would be hard to put in one email all of the things I have learned, but I think some of the most important things I have learned and gained from serving a mission are these:
I understand more fully the importance of making and keeping covenants. It has been amazing to see people grow so much as they make promises with the Lord.
I have made small changes in my daily life that I will keep forever like more devoted Sabbath day worship, paying a generous fast offering, studying the scriptures daily, family history, temple attendance.
I have grown so much in being able to share my testimony and explain the counterfeits of Satan in a way that others can understand and have a desire to avoid.
I have a HUGE family of friends that I will always be in touch with.

I understand completely that sharing the gospel and being a part of missionary work is something that I covenanted to do in the temple and I will forever do it!
I understand now that being able to serve a mission was not a sacrifice but more so a privilege and honor.
I have deeper gratitude for my family, what they have taught me and the continued support and love they show to me.
My goal from the very beginning was to do all I could in serving Heavenly Father’s children as well as have the mission go through me instead of my going through it. I have been forever changed and it is such a blessing that Heavenly Father gave me this opportunity.

I know that this work is real. I have seen the Lord directing this work. I know that He lives and I say this in the name of Jesus Christ. Amen.


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