Walk, Walk, Walk!

We walked a ton this week because we were really running out of miles. The first day we walked approximately 11 miles. That would be no problem with tennis shoes, but it is a little harder in dress shoes and in the heat. To make it to dinner on time, we even jogged! I am so glad I have a fit companion that is athletic, haha. Apparently I have been in a car area for too long and my feet and body aren’t used to all the walking…how sad! J
We had a fantastic lesson with Rosa this week and Olivia came with us. Rosa is RIGHT on the brink of coming to church. We can tell she really wants to, but her 12 year-old daughter is kind of being a stinker so we are working on that.
When we taught the Astudillos this week, Alexander (one of the twins) said as clearly as can be, “plan de salvacion” right after we had said it. He doesn’t say words usually, for that reason they think he might have some kind of mental problem. We tried to get him to say it again, but he couldn’t. We are so happy for them though, because they are progressing so much towards the temple. They paid their tithing on Sunday! And Brother Astudillos is starting his food truck really soon, probably this week…delicious burgers. It is going to be called Burger City. Each burger is named a city and is like that city.
We were chosen (so lucky hehe) to be able to help clean the temple on Saturday afternoon. It was amazing! SO much fun. We loved it. We were dusting and vacuuming. It felt like there was nothing to clean. J Towards the end we helped clean each individual crystal in the brides room. THAT WAS AWESOME! They do it twice a year. We also were able to take CUTE Hermana Astudillo to the Women’s Conference after Hermana Trevizo took us to Subway.  She works in the temple, so we were able to chat with her.  Anyway, the conference was perfect! It was so great. I love hearing so much talk about temples. Hermana Astudillo is so set now on going. Olivia followed us in Hermana Trevizo’s car. To put it nicely, she is kind of a “crazy woman driver” and Olivia turned out onto the road with us to be able to follow us and almost got in the worst crash ever. Thank goodness we made it ok. Olivia also really loved the conference. 
Ana, Isabel, and Oscar are on their way! We started the temple classes. The session will be the 22nd of October! I am so excited for them…and it will be my first session in Spanish.
Here is a great quote for the week from Elder Bednar:

One of the greatest indicators of righteous character is the capacity to recognize and appropriately respond to other people who are experiencing the very challenge or adversity that is most immediately and forcefully pressing upon us. Character is revealed, for example, in the power to discern the suffering of other people when we ourselves are suffering; in the ability to detect the hunger of others when we are hungry; and the power to reach out and extend compassion for the spiritual agony of others when we are in the midst of our own spiritual distress.

It is so true. I pray that we all can learn to do what Christ would do. When we are exhausted beyond what we can bear, may we find someone even more tired and lift them up. When we feel our testimony is shaking, may we be able to rise upon Satan’s temptations and help fortify someone else in the process of strengthening ourselves. I promise that as you do this, your problems will seem less difficult and you will find greater peace and happiness in this life!


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