My Last Week!

Family and Friends!
This week was certainly exciting and busy! J The highlights have been Ana, Isabel, and Oscar getting their temple recommends for Saturday! Yes, this Saturday! Can you even believe it? I am dying of happiness!
Last week we had our last zone conference in which we were able to watch, “Meet the Mormons.” It was so great! And then I had my departing interview with President Miller. L It was so great, but so hard at the same time. He gave me the best advice. I will definitely cherish these memories and relationships I have made for the eternities.
All of our recent converts are doing so well. Olivia got an assignment to be a visiting teacher. She is stoked! Deiri is doing her calling in the Primary.

Isabel and Oscar finally got their baby girl back from the hospital! She is so tiny but her hair has darkened and she has to be fed constantly through this tube that is connected to her. It is so good they have her home now.
We also had stake conference this last Sunday! It was amazing!!  Tons of talk about the temples and family history. Elder Packer from a seventy came and spoke.

I can’t believe my time is winding down. Part of me feels like I just want to stay here forever. Someone told me that there is a reason for us not being to talk to our family and friends constantly…we have to have a reason to come home! If we could, we might stay on our missions forever. I believe that to be true. I love you all and plan on serving the Lord diligently this last week! It is kind of like the last two minutes of a bball game! J You can’t play hard an entire game and give up at the end, it just doesn’t work like that.   LOVE YOU!


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